Thursday, September 18, 2014

August Prayer Letter

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
- Psalm 118:24
The summer sun is shining in Sedro-Woolley and I have plans for enough outside projects to keep me busy for years.  And yet, I won’t be here for years.  The thought is bitter-sweet.  I love our little farm with its barn, horses, chickens, garden, fruit trees and endless projects, but now as I plant each flower I think about the fact that I probably won’t be here next year to see it grow and bloom.

It will be hard to leave all I have worked for and created at home, but I also look forward to moving to Mafikeng with great joy and excitement.  Last year at this time, leaving still seemed like the distant future and now it is so much closer.  My goal is to leave by this time next year at the latest, although I still have a ways to go to raise the support I need to do that. 

Whenever I think about how difficult it will be to leave home and move halfway across the world I try to remember those who went in the early stages of the Protestant missionary movement.  They left home on a ship traveling for months, expecting minimal to no contact with their family and friends back home, and didn’t expect to return.  They often shipped their belongs packed in a coffin because over 80% would die within two years.  Would I have had that courage?

In contrast, I’ll be in Mafikeng within 36 hours of leaving home, have constant access to friends and family by phone and over the Internet, and can be reasonably certain I’ll return home in one piece. Nonetheless, my life is in God’s hand and only he knows my future.  Maybe I’ll love South Africa so much that it becomes my home or maybe I’ll be back in little ol’ Sedro-Woolley in three years.  I’m so excited that you can join me as I uncover each new twist and turn on this path.

For now, I enjoy my time at home, tend my garden, work with my horse, and thank the Lord for His goodness and mercy.

Prayer request: Over the next few months I am hoping to develop relationships with other churches in the US who are willing to support me on this journey.  Please pray that the Lord would open doors for me to get involved in churches around the US and prayerfully consider if your church might be one whose door God would open.

September Prayer Letter - Fear

What do you fear?  What worries do you have?  As I write this, Ebola is spreading its way through West Africa and the two infected American doctors are still under strict quarantine in Atlanta. Just one year ago, Dr. Kent Brantly and his wife Amber were joyfully preparing to serve the Lord with Samaritan’s Purse and attended the same medical missions training conference that I am currently attending in Virginia.  Perhaps we sat in the same chair? Now Dr. Brantly is fighting for his life. Who among us ever knows what the next year will bring.
Thankfully, the Ebola outbreak is farther away from Mafikeng, South Africa than Seattle is from Orlando.  However, even if it was right next door, I know the Lord is trustworthy and his plans for me are better than my own.  He says over and over in the Bible that we are not to fear what can happen to us in this world, but instead trust in Him. 
However, no matter how well we can recite Bible verses telling us not to fear, for He is with us, we are still human and fears will raise their ugly heads.  So with what fears do I struggle? Have I understood correctly what the Lord wants me to do? What if I go to South Africa and get so caught up in the job at the hospital that nothing is accomplished spiritually in people’s lives?  What if I say or do the wrong things and turn people away from Christ rather than to Him?  What happens when I see pets I don’t know how to treat and there is nowhere else to send them? What if something happens to my family in the US while I’m gone?
Whenever I start to think along these lines it is easy to get discouraged.  Then it is time to pray for the peace He has promised His children. Here are some of my favorite verses about His peace.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. - Psalm 4:8

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. - Psalm 29:11

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. - John 14:27

‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’ - John 16:33

I’ll leave you with a Psalms that speaks directly to the issue of fear.  Consider praying with these words when your fears raise their heads and please pray it for me as well. 

When I am afraid,
I will trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
In God I trust; I will not be afraid.

What can mortal man do to me? - Psalm 56:3-4