Wednesday, January 29, 2020

January 2020 - A New Year!

Summer is here and it is hot, hot, hot.  Although we have had a few days of good rain (2.75 inches over 5 days in mid Dec) it is generally blue skies with temps in the upper 80-90’s.  For some of you, that is probably ideal, but for this Seattle girl, those few days rainy day in Dec were a true blessing.  I’m already looking forward to winter!

The new university year starts the first week of February so there are a few more weeks of calm and quite before activities begin again.  We hope to have several students come back early for a freshman outreach the last week of January.  This will likely include nightly Bible studies, a movie showing, and going door to door meeting the incoming students.  Please pray that God will lead and direct us in the organization and details of this event. 

Please also pray that the students God would have join us for the coming year will be drawn to our Bible study and witnessing training group and that the student church in my home would continue to provide rich fellowship.

Pray for the new students arriving on campus who may be experiencing their first time away from home and, for those who are Christians, the first tests of their faith.  Is it their faith or their parent’s faith?  Will they put God first or be distracted by university life? For those who are not Christians will they see His truth when they hear the gospel?  For those who’s faith is more cultural than personal will they come to seek a relationship with Him? 

So many challenges and opportunities will be presented to each student over the coming year.  Please pray they God will lead and guide each one to find or be strengthened in their relationship with Christ.

Finally, please remember me and the Gestrings in your prayers as we decide on the curriculum/topics for Bible study and church this coming term. Let the Lord lead us to share His truth clearly and openly.

So many prayer requests fill my heart at the start of each year.  Thank you for coming alongside me in these prayers.  May the Lord be with you in this New Year!

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