Thursday, April 9, 2020

Lockdown Update Week 2

Week two complete!  Well, it will be complete tonight at midnight.  The time is flying by!  Thankfully I’m one of the people perfectly happy to stay home with my cats.  I have two boys; a 2-year-old ginger named Laddie and a 6-year-old tabby named Leo.  Laddie was a campus kitten who was brought into the clinic by security because he had a severe upper respiratory tract infection and ringworm.  We treated him and then I couldn’t help but adopt him.  Thankfully, he and Leo bonded quickly and they play together all the time.  Laddie is an endless source of amusement.  He is very playful and always looking for trouble!  They are both very large cats, weighing in at 12 and 14 pounds (although Leo could stand to lose a pound or two :). 

Last week we had several days of rain and cool weather, which I absolutely loved!  I’ve been baking and taking goodies into the clinic several days a week (I live just across the parking area from the clinic).  It has even been cool enough for tea in the mornings and evenings.  The rain also meant I didn’t need to do much to water my garden.   Usually my automatic system does the heavy work, but for the last few weeks my water pressure has been very low and the automatic system isn’t working.  If it doesn’t rain, I have bring the watering can into the kitchen and it takes over a minute to fill each time due to the low pressure.

Thankfully there has always been just enough pressure for a shower if I turn the shower head to the pulse setting.  I’ve also been able to continue with laundry although it takes ages for the washing machine to fill with water.  Every once and a while the pressure comes back for an hour or two and I quickly do the dishes, turn on the automatic watering system, etc.

Last night I was helping with an emergency surgery in the clinic and we had no water in the surgery suite!  I was able to wash my hands by going into another room and draining the last dregs from the pipes, but it was very frustrating.  Despite the challenges, the dog is doing well this morning.

Please continue to pray for South Africa; her leaders, people, and the university.

Week three, here we come!

God bless,

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9

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