Saturday, March 30, 2019

Feb 2019 - Furlough Finished

My first furlough/home assignment is complete and I’ve returned to South Africa for my second three-year term with CVM!  Seems like I should feel like a real missionary now :) But I must admit, I don’t feel different.  I still feel like a regular person doing a fairly normal job to the best of my abilities and seeking to share God with those I meet.  And that is just the way it should be!  Those of us living overseas in full time ministry are just regular people, working hard, facing difficulties and frustrations, and taking pleasure in the small joys of life.

Spending three months in the USA has been a blessing in many ways.  Seeing my family and even much of my extended family, visiting with old friends and catching up on their lives, speaking to groups of vet students, and meeting many of my supporters that I’ve never had the pleasure to meet previously has been refreshing and encouraging.  The continuing education conferences that I attended have also given me food for thought and I’m looking forward to introducing new ideas and techniques in the clinic here as well as working out new client communication training for the students in the Animal Health program.

This year we will have the largest final-year class since I arrived with over 70 students (last year we had 55).  Fitting those students into 6 rotation groups will mean large group sizes and reduced contact with individual students.  Please pray that the Lord will provide opportunities during each rotation to get to know the students and move beyond the large group sizes to individual relationships.  Please also pray that I don’t go crazy trying to corral and organize that many students!  The clinic is going to be bursting from the seams!

Aside from the clinic, I am also continuing with the weekly student Bible studies and would appreciate your prayers for the fresh new first-years; that they will find joy in spending time with God and in His word.  The Gestring’s and I are also praying for the Lord to direct committed students to our Acts 1:8 witnessing training program.  Several of our long-term students graduated last year so we are eagerly looking to who the Lord will bring along new this year.

A few other prayer points for the year:

·       Continued peace on campus!  We have been blessed with two peaceful years and pray for a third year free of protests and riots

·       The new Compulsory Community Service veterinarians (new grads) have arrived and started working in the clinic.  Please pray for them to grow in skill and knowledge as I mentor them throughout 2019.
·       Safety of students – a large percentage of our Bible study students have been mugged or assaulted when walking to the grocery store.  Please pray for their physical safety, especially when off campus.

·       New financial supporters are needed for my next three years.  In order to meet my budget and continue serving at North-West University, I’m praying for an additional $800/month.  Several of my past supporters have been unable to continue for this second term so there is a current monthly deficit to fill.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support over the past three years!  I look forward to sharing with you, over the next three years, what else God is going to do here in Mafikeng, South Africa.  The adventures await!

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